30 Days of Goodness Ramadan Challenge

Join us this Ramadan to harness the energy of the holy month by nurturing beautiful Qur'anic and Prophetic characteristics. ⁣

At Jeem we believe in quality rather than quantity. Less is more: we don't plan to overwhelm; we plan to inspire.⁣

It's so easy to start the month at full pelt, only to fizzle out of energy towards the crucial final nights. It's even easier to let the awesome routines we develop during Ramadan fade away after Eid. Trust us - we've been there, done that and got the t-shirt! 

So this Ramadan, through the 3 powerful disciplines of:⁣

1) Intention (niyyah)⁣
2) Micro-habits (adab)⁣
3) Mutual support through community (ummah)⁣

we hope to help both us and you refine, forge and establish the best of traits. Traits that will last beyond Ramadan and into the rest of the year iA.⁣⁣

1. What?

- 30 days, 30 challenges⁣
- Simple. Actionable. Inspiring.⁣
- Create a toolkit of habits for a rewarding Ramadan and beyond⁣⁣

2. Why?

- 30 days, 30 challenges⁣
- Simple. Actionable. Inspiring.⁣
- Create a toolkit of habits for a rewarding Ramadan and beyond

3. How?⁣

- Check our Insta Feed & Stories every day during Ramadan⁣
- We'll share a challenge⁣
- You share your progress using #Jeem30Days
- Together we connect with our Creator and His creation⁣

Join in by clicking here. Let's inspire and be inspired .

30 Days of Goodness Ramadan Challenge